SOS will have our second Personal Hygiene Giveaway of the year next Tuesday, November 12th from 10am-1pm!
Stop by our warehouse at 1500 Arlington Avenue during the allotted time and pickup free items that your organization can use! These supplies are offered on a first-come/first-serve basis. If you need any of these items for your mission, make sure to come by our warehouse next Tuesday!
Below is a list of items we will donate to your nonprofit or humanitarian agency for free:
Supply Bags, Deodorant, Shaving supplies, Disposable washcloths, Bath wipes, Shampoo caps, Deodorant wipes, Socks, Tissues, Hand sanitizer, Nail polish remover, Toothbrushes & toothpaste, Combs & brushes, Bath aids, Lotion, Body wash, Shampoo, Castile soap, Head-bands, Sewing kits, Emory boards, Sanitizing wipes, Garbage bags and more!